Thursday, June 5, 2008

British term of the day.

Over the past couple of weeks at work I have been asked to explain a couple of terms that I use quite often. Therefore I have been sending out a few e-mails explaining what these words mean and examples of how to use them. I thought that it might be fun to include them on my blog too.


Numpty n, and adj,

A. n. A stupid or foolish person; an idiot.

How is it I get all the numpties in my class?
Place it several inches out from the pocket nearest the lower red and definitely not, as that numpty did fifteen odd years ago, right behind the tallest ball.
What a bunch of numpties.
Yi know, there are times in my life when I feel like the worst wee numpty jobby in the world. (Rab C. Nesbitt - see above, is a classic example of a numpty!)

Numquid, n,

An inquisitive person.

1 comment:

Mia said...

Love this post! Requesting a series, because I'm something of a numquid myself!