Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Deseret Book: Addiction - no recovery!

So, it is official, I am addicted to Deseret Book and I can finally admit it. The good news is that I have never spent more than my allocated budget. The bad news is that my budget really is far more than it should be given that I have a whole bookcase full of books - most of which I have not yet read!!!!!!!!!

Coupled with my addiction of this store, I have a platinum membership which means that I get a certain percentage of points back on all of my purchases. This means that I can save them up and spend them at a later date, now this is excellent because my mom and my sister are coming to visit me from England in a few weeks and I have saved a significant amount of points which will be converted into money when I decide to 'cash them in'. Therefore I am so excited about going to Deseret Book when they get here because I have almost $200 to spend in that store. However, I am not quite at my goal of the full $200, so it is only fair that I keep striving to attain it, right???!!!!

Anyway, here is a photo of just today's purchases so that you can see just how far this addiction has gone. I was going to take a photo of all of the items that I have bought in there but I actually am a bit embarrassed of the size of the bookcase needed to store the items and am not yet sure that I feel entirely comfortable sharing it with the whole world!!!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Ok, I knew you were addicted to DB but had no idea it was that bad! :) The first step is admitting you have a problem so at least you're on the road to recovery. So, how much do you have to spend to get $200 in rewards? It's got to be a lot! I'm going to come sneak a peak at that bookshelf sometime.