Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Don't Bite Me, I'm Santa Claus.

I have just finished reading a great book. It is called 'Don't Bite Me, I'm Santa Claus' and is written by Tom Plummer - who is my new favourite man on earth!!! It is all about different Christmas experiences in his family and what he has learned from them, and it is rather brilliant!

Here is Tom's explanation of the book:

"The fact is, Santa stays with us. He spans our transitions from childhood to adulthood. He symbolizes the kindly adult male that men wish they could be and women keep hoping to find, if even under a rock. He symbolizes joy and freedom, the flow between fantasy and reality that is all too often lost as we cross into our adult years." - Tom Plummer

Great, Great book!!! Plus it is on Amazon at the moment for 1 cent. Yes that is right 1 cent!!!!! Fabulous!

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